
Bamboo Tea

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Hair is important for our looks. Why else would anyone spend so much of time, efforts and money to find that most suitable hairstyle for one’s face? Your hair gives you a distinct personality. So if you are worried about hair loss that you have noticed recently, there is nothing unnatural here. Even if you are losing only the normal amount of hair but want to have thicker hair, you may do so through various remedies for hair growth. So here we go and give you 6 (plus one super tip) hair growth remedies with which you can have a good volume of hair without spending a whole lot of money for clinical treatments!

I use to be 100% the type who adhere to apparent miracle hair and beauty products but…..

I’m the fool who reads that random article (advert pretending to be an article) in the Daily Mail; Daily Fail, whichever name you prefer? You know the ones, a just discovered new ‘miracle cream’ that hails from the Amazonian rainforest and has been the secret to the Amazonian women’s flawless skin for generations. Apparently it’s given Shirley from Staines a “new found glow” and Julie from Bayswater no longer has any crows feet, and now I’m sold! I’m off, marching straight to any and or all listed stores with my credit card to buy something I Don’t. Even. Need. 
Welcome to my confused and complex world. When it comes to skincare and hair growth I tend to get a little discombobulated and hugely overwhelmed. But when it comes to hair, I know a little shiz about hair.

Just as some of you may know I use to have a pretty long Full and healthy hair (All thanks to mum) when I was younger so whenever I here or read of a new miracle hair product that claims to help hair with growth, strength and thickness I have to try it out for myself as to get back my former glory.

I have always known of the wonderful effects Silica brings to your hair, skin and nails  and I still  take silica supplements myself but after more online research I found that Bamboo contains the highest concentration (70% to be exact) and therefore is the most powerful form of Silica to consume.  I also found that alongside strengthening our hair and nails silica plays a huge role in re-building the collagen we lose as we age. WHAT!? I know. We are all born with an abundance of silica in our bodies which slowly depletes as we age, that's why children have soft , glowing skin and silky, strong hair.

To find out more on how beneficial it is to include silica in your everyday life click  here

So, bearing all of this in mind I of course had to introduce bamboo silica into my daily regime. The fastest way for silica to be absorbed into out bodies is through liquid form so it makes sense that Bamboo leaf tea would be and continues to be the most popular choice of consumption. All I needed to do now was find a reputable company to buy my necessities from which is how I came across this website.  
This isn’t a sponsored post and the company isn’t paying to write a gleaming review, and again they don’t really need to as the product speaks for itself.

Bellow is a picture review of my first four months of using this amazing Bamboo tea.
BeforeSorry for the poor image:(

After 4months.
Image result for dancing smiley

Oh and for the ladies who email me regarding black hair,this works for me and I’ve noticed significant growth and thickness.  

So if any of you want to jump on the Bamboo Leaf tea bandwagon you can purchase this gem straight from the website below.

I guess  it’s safe to say I’m a bamboo leaf tea convert.

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